Il Museo dell'Impressionismo russo / Moscow CityPass card

Мuseo dell'impresionismo russo

The Museum of Russian Impressionism is a modern art space in the center of Moscow.

The cylindrical building of the Museum, with its futuristic spaceship- like appearance, was formerly a flour and sugar granary of the “Bolshevik” confectionery factory.

Containing works from Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin and other famous painters—all the history of Russian Impressionism is gathered together in the collection of the Museum.

Its sophisticated contemporary architecture includes over a thousand square meters of display space, a multi-media hall, an educational interactive center, a cafe, and a book and souvenir shop.


SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 – JANUARY 10, 2021

In September 2020 the Museum of Russian Impressionism will present the exhibition "Sergey Vinogradov. Painted Life", dedicated to the brilliant Russian painter of the Konstantin Korovin and Valentin Serov’s circle and the influential art consultant of Russia of the early twentieth century. The large-scale personal exhibition of the master will assemble over 60 works from all over Russia. Besides, for the first time in a long period of time the arrival of works from the Baltic countries, where Sergey Vinogradov spent the last 15 years of his life, is expected. 

Light and joyful subjects of Sergey Vinogradov's paintings are underlined, as if the artist drew another life — partly invented, desired, partly real. In times of the revolution the master diligently avoided any hint of changing circumstances of his life and destiny of the whole country. Vinogradov poetically expressed life and as if he was looking at everything from the outside: landscapes are full of colors, Moscow streets are lit by the sun, bright and clear colors hide the signs of poverty around the world.

Contatti e posizione


15, Bldg. 11, Leningradsky Avenue, Moscow, Bolshevik Business Center


+7(495) 145-7555


Lunedi / Lun

11:00 - 20:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

Martedì / Mar

11:00 - 20:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

Mercoledì / Mer

12:00 - 21:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

Giovedì / Gio

12:00 - 21:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

Venerdì / Ven

11:00 - 20:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

Sabato / Sab

11:00 - 20:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

Domenica / Do

11:00 - 20:00 La biglietteria chiude 30 minuti prima della chiusura del museo.

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