Royal 20% discount!

Royal 20% discount!

Dear travelers! As you know, all over the world people have faced a difficult situation due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Completely different areas are experiencing not the easiest time, be it light industry, restaurant business or tourism. Of course, for the Tourism Industry, the epidemic and closure of borders is a big blow. And we are very sympathetic to everyone who had to cancel or reschedule their travels. But our team believes that we should not despair and give up! We are absolutely sure that in the coming months the situation will normalize and life will return to its previous course - regular flights will be launched around the world, and we will be able to travel again and experience the amazingly rich world of other countries.
In this regard, the Russia CityPass team wants to support all travelers who plan to visit Russia in 2020 and gives a 20% discount on all types of Moscow CityPass and St. Petersburg CityPass. We want to note that the vouchers that you receive upon purchase do not expire, so you can make an order today at a reduced price, and use your pass until the end of 2020. Plan your trip in advance and save with Russia CityPass.
In order to take advantage of the discount, go to the banner at the top of the page or use the promotional code COVID19 in the shopping cart.
Best regards, Russia CityPass team.